中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['letəd] 美 [ˈlɛtəd]

a. 标有字母的, 有学问的, 有文化修养的

v win an athletic letter
v set down or print with letters
v mark letters on or mark with letters
s highly educated; having extensive information or understanding


1. I signed the letter. I'm not ashamed of the letter.

我也签了字 我并不觉得丢人

2. Letter after letter repeats the same thing.


3. And he drafted a letter, a farewell letter.

他还写了一封信 一封遗书

4. I have letters, many letters professing his feelings for me.

我有许多信件 这些信件能证明他很爱我

5. And I used to write these letters, love letters.

我以前常常写这些信 情书

6. I sent you, uh, a letter, a blue letter.

我给你寄了封信 一封蓝色的信

7. An apology letter. I write good apology letters.

写封道歉信 我道歉信写得可好了

8. I always thought a letter was, like a letter, you know.

而我以前总是觉得 信就随便写写就好了

9. You want a letter about love? I'll write you a letter about love.

你需要一封情书 我就帮你写一封情书

10. Well, the discovery plan was, she sent letters to the police and she sent a letter to her lawyer, and she had a friend that was going to deliver something to her today, and she had us put a letter on the door to tell the person not to come in, the door was locked.

她的计划是 先给警方寄一封信 再给她的律师寄一封 她有个朋友 本来今天要给她送些东西过去 她就让我们在门上放了封信 告诉他不要进门 门已经锁了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

