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音标: 英 [ˈpɪθɪ] 美 [ˈpɪθɪ]

a. 有髓的, 由髓组成的, 简洁有力的

s. concise and full of meaning


1. What are you doing? I'm writing that down. It was pithy.

你干什么呢 我要記下來 簡潔有力

2. A 200page article not pithy, no pith in that.

两百页的文章可算不上简洁 连重点都没有

3. Hey, it doesn't have to be pithy or catchy or cute.


4. A pithy retort laced with just a hint of condescension.

简洁的反问 还有一点屈尊的态度

5. So many, whatever, pithy lines I wrote for this very moment.

我为这一刻写了很多 精炼的句子

6. I don't think I'm in the best mood for a pithy mantra today.


7. Excuse me, dear, I don't know why we bother with all these pithy little police questions.

打断一下 亲爱的 我不明白我们为什么 要浪费时间来问这些警察的例行问题

8. I'm tired of having to listen to men like you who turn my daily struggles into pithy punch lines.

我厌烦坐在这听你这种人 把 夜的痛苦挣扎变成单口相声

9. As much as I'd like to hang around exchanging pithy insults, the gates of hell won't open themselves.

尽管我很想待在这里 和你互骂 但地狱之门可不会自行打开

10. I told him in quite short, pithy words, that I didn't think that was a very good idea, and we walked off the show.

我用简单粗俗的一句话回了他 我觉得那样其实不太理智 然后我们就离开了节目现场



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

