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音标: 英 [ˈtʃaɪldbeərɪŋ] 美 [ˈtʃaɪldˌbɛrɪŋ]

n. 分娩
[医] 分娩, 生产

a. relating to or suitable for childbirth


1. I mean if we'd met during our childbearing years.


2. I mean, she's the more nurturing one, but I have the childbearing hips.

虽然她更会照顾人 但我的美臀更适合生小孩

3. Biologically speaking, you're in your prime childbearing years.

从生物学上说 你现在正处于最佳生育年龄

4. I seem older to you because I married well before the end of my childbearing years.

我看上去比你老是因为 我育龄快结束才嫁人

5. But I'm done with the notion that the bliss of me and my sisters is to be found in childbearing and caregiving.

但是我受够了我和我的姐妹们 只有生孩子 照顾人才会幸福的看法

6. Just because the king doesn't see that a man has any part to play in childbearing.

就因为国王 不认为育儿跟男人有关

7. Hey, but don't worry me hitting on other women does not change my offer of platonic childbearing.

但是别担心 我对别的女人献殷勤 不会影响我提供柏拉图式生孩子

8. I can offer 500 brides, all of childbearing age, in exchange for the technology to build our own reactor.

我可以提供五百位新娘 全部都在生育年龄 用来兑换这个技术 制造我们自己的反应堆

9. This is why teen moms drop out of high school even though we are in our prime childbearing years.

也难怪少女妈妈们不得不辍学 即便我们正处于生孩子的黄金时期

10. Or taken out years later on a horsey, secretdrinker wife that my mother made me marry for her childbearing hips.

可能几年之后就要因为老婆难看又嗜酒而心力交瘁 只是因为她有个好生育的 我妈就逼我娶她



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

