中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [rɪsk] 美 [rɪsk]

n. 冒险, 危险, 保险额
vt. 冒...的危险, 冒险干

n. a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury
n. the probability of becoming infected given that exposure to an infectious agent has occurred
n. the probability of being exposed to an infectious agent
v. expose to a chance of loss or damage


1. And you're right, there are risks, big risks.

你說得也沒錯 的確有風險 很大的風險

2. No, she takes that risk. I take that risk.

不 她冒了那个险 我也是

3. ..capable of risking her life, of risking yours.


4. You risk the boat or you risk our bodies.


5. And the problem with people who take risks like that is that when they win, when they make their calculated risk they become emboldened, they take more risks.

像那样冒险的人的问题是 当他们在自己计算好的风险下赢了 他们会变得很大胆 会冒更多的风险

6. Now you took a risk a risk to be happy.

现在你冒了一个险 想要过得更快乐

7. The business model of the criminal is to make profit with low risk and, here, you actually eliminate the risk because there is no risk to get identified so either you have to screw up or be very unlucky as somebody rats you out.

犯罪的运营模式 是以低风险获取利益 而在这里 风险基本为零 因为没有被识别身份的风险 因此除非你搞砸了 或者不幸被别人出卖了

8. Okay, so, we're weighing the risks down here versus the risks of the cordon.

所以 我们要衡量管道里的风险 和待在隔离区里的风险

9. I can't risk it, not after what he's been through.

我不能冒险 尤其在他经历了那么多之后

10. I know it's a risk, but I think it's a risk worth taking.

我知道这是一步险棋 但值得一试



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

