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音标: 英 [ˈʌndəˌtəʊn] 美 [ˈʌndɚˌton]

n. 低音, 浅色, 小声

n. a quiet or hushed tone of voice
n. a subdued emotional quality underlying an utterance; implicit meaning
n. a pale or subdued color


1. And tell me, there's not yearning sexual undertone.

告诉我 其中没有渴望的性方面的潜在含意

2. And tell me, there's not a yearning sexual undertone.

告诉我 其中没有渴望的性方面的潜在含意

3. You don't deserve to wear colors that complement the undertone of your complexion.

你不配用 衬你肤色的颜色

4. So it's like fun with brand elevation and social justice undertones.

这个活动很有趣 而且能提升品牌 还具有社会正义的寓意

5. Well, it's complex, elegant, crisp, with earthy oak undertones.

口感丰富 酒体饱满 香味扑鼻 还有橡木的余味

6. Okay, yes, those undertones did exist, but that's not the ing point of what I'm trying to tell you here.

好吧 确实有捡肥皂的暗示 不过这不是 我想告诉你的重点

7. There's a machiavellian undertone in all this, about absolute power he could have over people, who do not even realize that it is him having this power over them.

这一切有一种权谋的意味 他可以拥有对人民的绝对权力 人们甚至都没有意识到 他这是在获取对他们的权力

8. If it was really active we'd have to stay farther back, but, you know, the undertone is you hear a big crashing, paddle away from the ice.

如果它很活跃 我们就必须保持一段距离 但你知道的 潜台词就是 如果你听到碎裂声 就马上划开



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

