中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['seɡweɪ] 美 [ˈsɛɡˌwe, ˈseˌɡwe]

n. [用作指示语][音]继续

n. the act of changing smoothly from one state or situation to another
v. proceed without interruption; in music or talk


1. Yeah, well, I have a plan how to segue.

是啊 我自己有怎么继续下去的计划

2. And I thought we could segue into justice being served.


3. You must have a fever, because that segue was sweaty.

你一定发烧了 因为这话题转换之生硬令人汗流浃背

4. You know, I think it's time we segue this dinner into a party.

我认为是时候 把这顿晚餐过渡成派对了

5. Well, that kind of segues right into what I wanted to talk to you about.

好吧 那我们就说说 我想跟你谈论的事情

6. Well, this is actually a good segue into my first slide.


7. You casually segue to talking about how great I am and how amazing my hair looks.

你再随意地切换话题 夸我这个人有多优秀 以及我的发型有多好看

8. It was more of a polite wakeup call, segueing into a lifetime of joy, reconciliation, and sisterly love.

这计划本来只是个友善的提醒 为了你们一生的幸福 彼此和解 姐妹相亲相爱

9. 'cause I did not have a graceful way to segue into this, um, but there's actually more shits for you to plunge, buddy.

不然我都不知道怎么说出口 实际上有更多的粪便需要你去清理



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

