中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [bi:p] 美 [bip]

n. 短而尖的声音, 嘟
v. 嘟嘟响

n. a short high tone produced as a signal or warning
v. call, summon, or alert with a beeper


1. beep, beep, beep, you've arrived at your destination.

哔哔哔 你已经到达了目的地

2. Somebody beeped you, you had beep panic, you threw the phone away.

有人冲你摁喇叭 你就"滴滴慌"了 然后你把手机扔到旁边

3. I decided I needed some time alone to focus on me, so, uh, I set my watch to beep in seven months, when I figured I'd be ready to date, and it beeped.

我决定要花点时间来关注自己 我把手表闹钟设定在七个月之后响 我觉得这时我可以开始约会了 它刚响了

4. It's voiceactivated, so you'll hear a beep.

它是声控的 所以你会听到哔一声

5. This thing's beeping at me, but... listen.

这玩意儿一直叫 不过 听着

6. No, no, that was an aggressive ing beep.

不 不 刚才那该死的鸣笛是在挑衅

7. What? I don't appreciate that beep, sir.

怎么了? 先生 我不认为你鸣笛是合适的

8. I was at a stoplight and I beeped a cop.


9. But when you hear that beep, you know what's up.

听到哔声后 你知道该怎么做

10. Turn off the beep, or it's unbearable.

记得把闹钟关掉 不然会吵到人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

