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音标: 英 [seɪl] 美 [sel]

n. 帆, 篷, 帆船, 航程, 帆状物
vi. 航行, 启航, 张帆而行
vt. 航行于, 驾船

n. a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
n. any structure that resembles a sail
v. traverse or travel on (a body of water)
v. travel on water propelled by wind


1. All we do is sail and sail with no place to call home.

我们做的就是一味航行 无家可归

2. I say when ships sail, and I'm saying this ship has not sailed.

由我来确定 我说这事还没确定

3. We could learn to sail, buy a boat, sail around the world.

我们可以学习驾船 买一艘船去环游世界

4. That's not enough sail. It's all the sail we can safely carry in this wind.

这样速度不够 这么大风 只能这个速度行驶才安全

5. sailing vessel on my port side, sailing vessel on my port side.

呼叫左舷帆船 呼叫左舷帆船

6. So imagine this is a conventional sail boat and a conventional sail boat has a rudder at the back.

想象一下这是一艘普通的帆船 普通的帆船在后面有舵

7. sail with the falling tide, out of the creek, past the point, sailing with a fair wind on the tidal flow.

伴着落潮启航 驶出海湾 经过特定的地点 乘着潮汐顺着风

8. That ship has sailed but from here on out.

木已成舟 但以后你得注意

9. I was the only guy who had sailed with him before.


10. It's all ooth sailing from here on out.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

