中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


v. 发现, 找到(discover的过去形式)

v discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
v get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
v make a discovery, make a new finding
v make a discovery
v find unexpectedly
v make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
v see for the first time; make a discovery
v identify as in botany or biology, for example
s discovered or determined by scientific observation


1. When we discover our needs, we discover who we are.

当我们发现我们的需求时 我们就发现了真自我

2. The more I discover, the more it seems is left to be discovered.

我越是探索 就发现似乎还有更多东西等着我去发掘

3. And that's what we're here to discover.


4. Knowing what you would have been forced to do if she had discovered the body, discovered what you had done.

心知如果她发现了尸体 发现了你做的事 你将不得不做什么

5. So, if he discovered the slush fund, he would have also discovered the theft.

所以 如果他发现了这笔非法基金 他很可能也发现了是谁在偷钱

6. Crimes were committed to prevent many from discovering something it was considered undesirable for them to discover.

这些发生过的罪行 都是为了阻止更多人发现 他们本不该知道的事情

7. We've discovered so many things already, and it's an adventure when you get to go discover things that you don't know.

我们已经发现了那么多前所未闻的事物 探索未知 就像是一次冒险

8. However, she discovers her heritage with a zeal, a zeal for truth, and that truth to be discovered however it may, if you see my meaning.

但她发现了自己的身世 而因此热衷于寻求真相 并且愿不惜一切挖掘真相 如果你明白我意思的话

9. It could be that he is involved, and now he realizes that the scandal is spreading and he doesn't want the truth to be discovered, or at least he doesn't want me to be the one who discovers it.

有可能是因为他也涉及其中 现在他发现流言正在修道院中蔓延 而他不想让真相被发现 至少他不想让我 成为发现真相的那个人

10. To divorce, to let nuns say mass, to make babies in all the ways science has discovered and will continue to discover.

我們忘了離婚 忘了讓修女做彌撒 忘了用所有已發現和將被發現的科學方法 去生孩子



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