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音标: 英 ['ɪmpækt] 美 [ˈɪmˌpækt]

n. 冲击, 冲突, 影响, 效果
vt. 挤入, 撞击, 压紧, 对...发生影响

n. the striking of one body against another
n. a forceful consequence; a strong effect
v. press or wedge together; pack together


1. I mean, they're hoping that by having no impact they'll have an impact.

他们希望能通过不作为 来产生些影响

2. I mean, they're hoping that by having no impact, they'll have an impact.

他们希望能通过不作为 来产生些影响

3. Strangers can be your most impactful people, acquaintances can be your most impactful people, family can be your most impactful people.

陌生人可以是对你影响最大的人 熟人可以是对你影响最大的人 家人也可以是对你影响最大的人

4. In this perspective, all this brightness here is because of the projectile that has sheared off at the moment of impact and is impacting this aluminium plate that's lying down on the surface.

这么看来 呈现的所有光亮 是来自在受冲击的那刻 从抛射体上剥离的碎片 同时撞击到了下面铺设的铝制板

5. Well, they do seem more the result of repetitive medium impact manual blows than the single high impact from a bat.

他们看起来更像是反复击打产生的结果 是被手打而不是被一个球棍进行单次打击

6. And, actually, what we had to recognise is that cancer has its impact at diagnosis and during treatment, but actually it can still be having an impact a number of years down the line.

而事实上 我们必须承认的是 癌症的影响不仅出现在初期诊断和治疗过程中 很可能在许多年之后 癌症还是会对患者产生影响

7. When they fire upon us, the impact the impact from the bombard will ignite the contents of the barrels, which will create an intense backdraft that should stop them, stop them in their tracks.

他们朝我们开炮的时候 炮弹的冲击力会 点燃桶内的东西 瞬间的反作用力会让他们停下来 让他们不得前进

8. No dermis, very little soft tissue, indications of high impact trauma; burst fracture of the lower thoracic and lumbar vertebrae consistent with injuries caused by the vertical impact of the falling aircraft.

没有真皮 非常少量的软组织提示 高强度的创伤 下胸椎和腰椎的爆裂性骨折 伴随坠机导致的 垂直冲击损伤

9. There's a leadership team that does a practice where they bring together each member collecting, here are trends that impact me, here are trends that impact another team member, and they share these, and then make decisions, to coursecorrect a strategy or to anticipate a new move.

有一个领导力团队做了一个练习 他们聚集每一位成员收集 这里有些趋势影响我 有些趋势影响另一位组员 他们分享这些 然后做决定 修正战略方向 或是预期新的行动

10. Rates of unemployment are higher than the average in the northeast, and if you lose your job, that can have a huge impact on, you know, your home, the way in which your relationship may suffer, and it can just be one of those that then basically it's like the domino effect, that it has an impact on others.

东北地区的失业率 要高于平均水平 如果你丢掉工作 会对你的家庭产生 巨大影响 感情会出现不和谐 这可能会成为一系列事情的开端 就像多米诺效应 影响着其他事情



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

