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音标: 英 [ˌæntiˈhɪstəmi:n] 美 [ˌæntiˈhɪstəˌmin, -mɪn]

n. 抗组胺药

n. a medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds; works by counteracting the effects of histamine on a receptor site


1. Let me guess antihistamine was in her system.

让我猜猜 她体内有抗组胺剂

2. I read somewhere that antihistamines are bad for you.

我在哪儿读到过 抗组胺药对身体不好

3. Keep her on the antihistamines until the swelling comes down.

保持她的抗组胺药量 直到肿胀消退

4. You diagnosed the patient with allergies and prescribed antihistamine.

你诊断病症为过敏 开了抗组胺药

5. All right, so, it's an antihistamine, but it can be used as a local anaesthetic.

好 它是抗组胺药 但也可以用作局部麻醉剂

6. Now, go be nice to your wife and load up on antihistamines.

现在回家去哄老婆吧 再吃点抗组胺药

7. Recommended treatment includes oral antihistamine and acetaminophen.

推荐的治疗包括口服抗组织胺药 以及醋氨酚

8. Good news is, we have a great antihistamine that will relieve all your symptoms.

好消息是 我们有抗组胺药 能缓解你的症状

9. Your wife was given antihistamine, steroids, and epinephrine, but progressed to cardiac arrest.

我们给你妻子注射了抗组胺 胆固醇和肾上腺素 但最终还是心跳停止

10. Let's see if the antihistamines get rid of your rash, make you feel better.

看看这些抗组织胺的药物 能否解决你的皮疹 让你好受一些



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