中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌɪməˈtɪərɪəl] 美 [ˌɪməˈtɪrɪəl]

a. 非物质的, 无形的, 精神的
[法] 非物质的, 无形的, 非实质的

a. of no importance or relevance especially to a law case
a. not consisting of matter
s. (often followed by `to') lacking importance; not mattering one way or the other


1. It's perhaps the most immaterial thing of them all.


2. immaterial, because we already have a case.

不打紧 因为我们已经有案子了

3. An immaterial vision of light and air.


4. Whether the flavour comes through or not is almost immaterial.

至于有没有甜菜根的味道 几乎不重要了

5. Now, what I think of these films as an individual is immaterial.

我作为个人对这些影片的 看法是无足重轻的

6. They could transport you from your earthly existence into that extraordinary immaterial world of heaven.

它们能把人从尘世 带往非物质的天堂世界

7. I think in the light of everything we've accomplished, the question of choice is immaterial.

我觉得鉴于我们已经完成的一切 选择权的问题已无关紧要

8. I submit these cases numerous cases where racial epithets were deemed immaterial.

我递交这些案例 无数的案例表明 种族歧视言论对案件不重要

9. I think in the light of everything we've accomplished, the question of choice isis immaterial.

我觉得鉴于我们已经完成的一切 选择权的问题已无关紧要

10. I think the reason is that gold here is representing not material things, it's actually there to represent immaterial things.

我认为原因是这样的 金色在这里并不是代表真实存在的物体 而是代表精神层面的东西



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

