中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['æfəblɪ] 美 ['æfəblɪ]

adv. 和蔼地

r. in an affable manner


1. I was trying to be too affable. I went overboard in my affability.

我耍嘴皮子过头了 我嘴皮子没耍对

2. I can't imagine anybody doing that to such a warm, affable fellow.

怎么会有人能对那么温和 谦恭的人下得了手呢

3. I don't know, I was trying to be affable. I was trying too hard.

我不知道 我在耍嘴皮子 结果耍过头了

4. I'm affable, but on the inside, my heart is full of bitterness.

平易近人 但是内在 我的内心充满污秽

5. He has always been a peaceable and socially affable man, and such is his reputation.

他一直是个平和善于交际的人 这一点名声在外

6. Indeed I am, sir. I have been treatedwith such affability, such condescension, as I would never have dared to hope for.

是的 我从没奢望过 她竟然待我那么和蔼及谦逊

7. We know the time since he was mild and affable, and all the court admired him for submission.

他原来是那么友善和蔼 朝廷里无人不赞赏他的谦逊

8. sweet, affable, athletic, charming, delicious boy into a freak of nature.

亲爱的友善的强健的 阳光的可爱的儿子 改造成了畸形的怪物

9. And today is your lucky day because the boss was in such a good mood, he decided to send over two of the more affable members of the task force just to have a little chat with you.

今天你很幸运 因为老大心情挺好的 他决定派特遣队里 较友善的两名队员 来跟你聊聊



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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