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音标: 英 [ˈmʌflə(r)] 美 [ˈmʌflɚ]

n. 围巾, 头巾, 无指手套, 消声器
[化] 消声器; 消音器

n. a scarf worn around the neck


1. You tell him I'm dealing mufflers, shocks and tires.

跟他说我贩的是消声器 冲击器和轮胎

2. You can exchange the muffler for equal or greater value.


3. Looks like we might have to switch out grandpa's muffler too.

看来我们也得想法子 把爷爷的消声器也换掉咯

4. Next time you want to try that, fix your ing muffler.

下次再这样 把降噪搞好再来

5. Ah, we gotta switch out the muffler first, but I'm sure it'll be okay.

嗯 我们得先换掉消声器 大体应该没什么问题

6. For what it's worth, my cousin has that taped up in his garage if you ever want a discount on a muffler.

无论如何 我堂兄把它贴在他车库里 如果你想要便宜购买消音器的话

7. There was no surveillance camera, but a cash register receipt confirms somebody exchanged a muffler at 9:36.

虽然没有监控 但是收款机收据显示 有人在9点36分换了一个消音器

8. Customers who selected these items also bought ear mufflers, pencil sharpeners and cola bottles.

选择这些商品的客户也买了耳塞 削笔刀和可乐瓶

9. The sound of a car backfiring occurs when unburned fuel vapor is ignited by a very hot muffler upon the car being turned off.

汽车回火会发出声音 当未燃烧的燃油蒸汽被火热的消音器点燃 就在车子熄火的时候



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

