中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈsʌndrɪ] 美 [ˈsʌndrɪ]

a. 各式各样的
[经] 杂的, 各种, 各式各样的

s consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds


1. against our many and sundry bad guys.

We find anything we can use

2. That reminds me, I must get some sundried tomatoes.

倒是提醒我了 我得买些番茄干

3. Sundries, a little sports book on the side.

卖卖杂货 还做点体育博彩

4. With some posters and sundry accoutrements, it'll look the part.

有海报和各种各样的设备 看着应该能挺像那么回事的

5. And no matter how many sundried skanks throw themselves at him, he'll resist.

无论多少晒干的残花败柳 对他投怀送抱 他都会把持住的

6. Very strange thing for a young lady to be carrying in her sundries.


7. Contemplate the sundry ways a society handles its elderly and infirm.

思考一下 不同社会对待老弱病残的不同方式

8. Sundried tomatoes. I chop them up real fine, and then I mix them in with the mayonnaise.

生晒番茄干 我把它们切碎 然后在蛋黄酱里搅拌

9. then ride through the streets on a litter, shouting and singing and broadcasting your theft to all and sundry.

... 然后躺在担架上穿越大街 不停的叫喊 唱歌 广播你的偷盗行为 给所有的人知道

10. You don't mind finishing up while your lovely girlfriend and I go pick up some sundry items.

你不会介意 在我和你美丽的女朋友去买东西时 帮我搬好东西吧



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

