中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ʌndi'dʒestid, 'ʌndai-]

a. 未消化的, 未充分理解的, 未经整理的, 证券未售出的, 尚未被市场吸收的

s. not thought over and arranged systematically in the mind; not absorbed or assimilated mentally
s. not digested


1. Yes, there was undigested alcohol in his stomach.

是的 他胃里有未分解的酒精

2. You may be an undigested bit of beef.


3. Mitchie identified it as an undigested cannellini bean.

米其认为 这是未消化的未消化的白腰豆

4. But I did find traces of undigested base proteins in his oesophagus.


5. These three were found still undigested in the nurse's stomach.

这三粒是在她胃里发现的 尚未消化的

6. Yeah,only thing inside her is dust and undigested mastodon meat.


7. This sculpture is an undigested ball of trash, pulled from a whale's rectum.

这雕塑是未消化的垃圾球 从鲸鱼直肠取出来的

8. Sure, she had a lot of alcohol in her blood and a lot of pills in her stomach, but most of them were undigested.

没错 她血液里酒精含量很高 胃里有很多药 但是大部分都没有被消化

9. Most of the seeds they eat pass through them undigested, to be planted in neat balls of compost wherever they go.

它们吃下的大部分种子 未经消化就被排出体外 沿着它们走过的路径 被种在一个个肥料球里

10. And we have evidence that the killer had access to more than just a few of them, cos, look, these three were found still undigested in her stomach.

证据表明 凶手可以拿到不只是一点点的种子 因为 大家看 这三粒 是在她胃里发现的 尚未消化的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

