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音标: 英 [ˈsæləmændə(r)] 美 [ˈsæləˌmændɚ]

n. 火蜥蜴, 火怪, 耐火的人
[医] 蝾螈

n. any of various typically terrestrial amphibians that resemble lizards and that return to water only to breed
n. reptilian creature supposed to live in fire


1. I don't wanna squeeze my salamander too hard.


2. We're all walking around in the dark to save some salamander.

讓我們都在黑暗中行動 拯救蠑螈

3. I will go with you to the party. I will be your other salamander.

我和你去赴宴 我会做你的沙罗曼蛇

4. so your mom doesn't find out. I like my one salamander.

以防 发现 我就喜欢一只蜥蜴

5. Look at this timelapsed images of a salamander regrowing a leg.

看这个 蝾螈再生腿的延时画面

6. We'd spend all day by the creek hunting salamanders and crayfish.


7. If you had three salamanders, you played with each of them every day, and they'd live for years.

如果你有三只蜥蜴 你每天都和它们三个玩 然后它们就能活好几年

8. salamanders are one thing, but no mammal possesses that kind of regenerative power.

蝾螈那是另一回事 但哺乳动物没有这个能力

9. But when you had one salamander, and you held it and you loved it, and you played with it, and it just died immediately.

但是如果你只有一只蜥蜴 然后你天天捧着它 爱它 和它玩 它很快就死掉了

10. It's an electrical conversation that starts thanks to genes in our body that we, unlike starfish and salamanders, lose the ability to express soon after we leave the womb.

由于我们身体的基因 与海星和蝾螈不同 从离开子宫那一刻起 电信号的交流便不再起作用



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

