中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [aɪ'dentɪfaɪ] 美 [aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ]

vt. 识别, 认为...等同于, 确定, 使参与
vi. 一致, 认同

v. recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something
v. consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else
v. conceive of as united or associated
v. identify as in botany or biology, for example


1. He was somebody who identified down, identified with the people.

他会放低自己的身份 放在和民众同一高度上

2. We can't identify the person who wanted her dead until we can identify her.

我们没办法找出谁想杀了他 除非能确定她的身份

3. This should help us identify her employers, and that, in turn, should help us identify her.

这应该能帮我们查出她的雇主 然后反过来 就可以帮我们确认她的身份

4. If it can learn to identify dogs, it can also learn to identify diseases.

如果它可以学会识别狗 那它也可以学会识别疾病

5. There was no throttle or steering mechani that we could identify, and when we dissected the propulsion system, we were unable to identify an energy source.

我们可以确认的是飞船上没有节流阀 或转向装置 当我们解剖推进系统时 我们无法识别能量源

6. Fruit companies use them to identify rotting fruit in big batcheswe use them to identify dead bodies in rubble.

水果公司用它们在一大堆水果李 找烂掉的水果 我们用它们在碎石堆里找尸体

7. In the same way these can be used in a key card to identify employees, they can also be used in playing cards to identify a card's suit and rank.

和那些能辨识员工的 工卡内部芯片一样 它们也能在牌局中用来 辨别牌的花色和大小

8. And this quite wellknown because we get a lot of people writing in thinking it is a relative. I've got quite a few people write in and they are convinced they can identify this person and sadly we can't confirm it because he's not been identified.

这张照片之所以出名 是因为有很多人写信来告诉我们 这是他们的亲戚 我收到过不少这样的信 说他们能认出这个士兵的身份 但很遗憾直到现在都无法确认他的身份

9. That is, if he identifies a suspect.

当然前提是 他能指认嫌疑人

10. They can't bury you if they can't identify you.

如果他们没把你认出来 他们就不用把你埋了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

