中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [meɪld] 美 [meɪld]

a. 披甲的, 装甲的

v send via the postal service
v cause to be directed or transmitted to another place
s wearing protective mail


1. This is where mail comes to, when I need mail.

当我需要发邮件时 邮件就在这发出去

2. Since when do you get mail? I get mail.

什么时候有人给你寄信了 就是有

3. You gotta get this mail, you gotta get this mail .

你得来拿这封信 你得来拿这封信

4. Mail to an empty lot, messages dropped in mail slots.

寄信到空地方 把信息放到邮筒

5. I'm getting certified mail, and warnings, and citations mailed to the two of us.

我拿到了证明邮件 还有警告 还有寄给我们俩的传票

6. You won't be receiving mail for a very long time, unless you change your mailing address to prison.

你要很久收不到信了 除非你把你的地址改到监狱

7. So, we knew we had two or three days mailing it out and they keep it for a week or whatever and then they mail it back.

我们知道寄出去需要两三天的时间 然后用户持有一周左右 再寄回来

8. As with any of these things, we were incredibly lucky in our ignorance, because it turns out that the post office has a totally different mail flow for local mail.

就像所有事情一样 我们的无知带给我们极大的好运 因为事实证明 邮局对本地邮件的寄送流程 与外地邮件寄送截然不同

9. So they couldn't have been sent through the mail.


10. I was sifting through the mail, and I saw it.

我在翻邮件 然后我看到了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

