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音标: 英 [ˈmɪlɪpi:d] 美 [ˈmɪləˌpid]

n. 千足虫
[医] 千足虫

n. any of numerous herbivorous nonpoisonous arthropods having a cylindrical body of 20 to 100 or more segments most with two pairs of legs


1. Do you know what it is? It's a millipede.

你知道这是什么吗 是千足虫

2. millipedes are peaceful creatures, but they don't have the forests to themselves.

马陆生性平和 但森林并非它们独享

3. Never mind, a millipede carried it off.

当我没问 一只千足虫把肉桂条拿走了

4. while translucent earwigs and milky millipedes forage for food.

而半透明蠼螋和乳白的千足虫 也出来觅食

5. Centipedes are closely related to millipedes and they prey on other bugs.

它与马陆是近亲 以其它虫子为食

6. This millipede is one of the biggest of its kind, running almost a foot long.

这种千足虫是世界上最大的千足虫之一 足有三十厘米长

7. Their powerful independently moving legs make them much faster than millipedes.

它们独立活动的强健足肢 使它们行动比马陆敏捷多了

8. millipedes were among the first arthropods to move up out of the water onto the land.

最早离水登陆的节肢动物中 就包括马陆

9. One answer is that the iguanas, the frogs and the millipedes were all carried here by powerful oceanic forces.

有一种解释是 是强大的海洋之力 将鬣蜥 青蛙 还有千足虫送到此地

10. In the series, we will see the way they have evolved from the comparative simplicity of the millipede to vast colonies that contain hundreds, even millions of individuals.

在这个系列中 我们将会了解到它们是 如何从比较简单的马陆发展成 包含数百甚至数百万个体的群体



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