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音标: 英 [skʌft]

v. 使磨损( scuff的过去式和过去分词 ); 拖着脚走

v walk without lifting the feet
v get or become scuffed
v mar by scuffing
v poke at with the foot or toe


1. She scuffed up her stilettos thrashing about on the table.

她的高跟鞋 在桌上乱撞的时候磨损了

2. Firebombs, scuffed hats? I don't think so.

燃烧瓶 磨损的帽子 我不觉得

3. A little scuffed but none the worse for wear.

有些磨损 但总比没有强

4. Polished to a high shine, but the rest of the leather is scuffed.

擦得很闪亮 可是其余部分却磨损得厉害

5. It was a weird lighting trick through a scuffed lens on my camera.

不过是摄像机上磨损镜头 造成的光影假象

6. Must be quite a payload to risk scuffing that pretty manicure of yours.

收入一定很丰厚 你才会舍得把美甲弄脏吧

7. Scuffing sends hormones out into the environment to let a potential mate know they're interested.

摩挲毛发会把荷尔蒙释放到空气中 以便告知潜在对象自己有兴趣

8. They're all rough and horrible and scuffed and raw and not pretty, and just for one day I'd like to have pretty hands, and they're not.

这双手粗糙难看 伤痕累累 一点都不美 我想有双美丽的手 哪怕一天也行 可是我没有



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

