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音标: 英 [aɪ'əʊtə] 美 [aɪˈotə]

n. 希腊字母第9位(I,L), 极微小

n. the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet


1. Maybe it's bromidic, but I don't give an iota.

可能都是陈词滥调 但我一点儿都不在乎

2. Never an iota of gratitude for my damage control.


3. Say, 'I don't blame you one iota for feeling as you do.

跟我念'你会这样想 我一点也不怪你

4. What I have not done, I assure you, is waiver in my commitment one iota.

我没有做的是 我保证 没有丝毫放弃我的承诺

5. And if he would have shown one iota of appreciation for everything I have done for this family, for him, he would be alive.

如果他肯表现出 哪怕一丁点 对我为这个家 为他做的一切的感激 他也不必死了

6. The internecine struggles of a group of emotionallystunted selfstyled activists interests me not one iota.

一群心智不全自以为是的 激进主义分子间的内战 让我提不起丝毫兴趣

7. A very private medical condition, which, I would remind you, has not affected the work I've done for him one iota.

一个非常私人的医疗状况 而且提醒你一下 这个症状一丁点都没影响我为他做的工作

8. But I will not hear a word about switching it out, one iota, for something less compelling.

但你的新故事要是不够出彩 我一个字都不听 想换 没门

9. But the point is the tip gave him next to nothing, and his own observations didn't change things one iota.

但重点是 那条线报毫无根据 他的调查也是一样

10. Looking at that press conference, you would've expected that that young boy who was holding this in for months and was just... had to unburden himself with this terrible experience that he had was emotionally upset and came out with this whole long story, when in fact there's not an iota of emotion expressed by the guy.

在看这场新闻发布会时 你可能此前会认为 那个少年隐藏真相长达数月 应该会情绪很不安 因为他没法再承受他所经历的可怕的事情 他必须要卸下这个负担 把事实和盘托出 但事实上 你看不到他表露出哪怕一点点这样的情绪



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

