中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ɜ:nd] 美 ['ɜ:nd]

a. 挣得的

a. gained or acquired; especially through merit or as a result of effort or action


1. you've earned what all our regulars have earned.


2. Mom earned her bonus, so we should earn our money, too.

妈妈挣来了她的奖金 我们也应该挣得我们的钱

3. I've got to earn that, and I plan on earning it with each and every one of you.

我会努力成为你们的一员的 我准备好了 让你们所有人接受我

4. Earn your place in the world as you have earned the friendships you've made here.

努力赢得你在这个世界里的一席之地 就像你在这里得到友谊一样

5. I don't know what that's supposed to earn me, but it earns me at least the right to make my own choices.

我虽然不好说我挣得了什么 但最起码给了我自己做选择的资格

6. She couldn't earn enough points by apologizing to everyone here because she was only doing it to earn enough points to stay here.

她之前给大家道歉 没能加分 是因为她的初衷仅是为了涨分而留下来

7. So you can say yes and earn your fee and my gratitude, or you can say no and earn neither.

你可以答应 然后挣到赏钱 以及我的谢意 你也可以拒绝 然后两手空空

8. The suppleness of her breasts, the slender size of her waist, the length and form of her legs, all these factors predict the healthy earning years a prostitute earns.

她 的弹性 腰围的粗细 大腿的长度和形状 所有这些因素都说明了 一个健康的 一年能挣多少

9. But I got you this because you earned it.


10. From here on out, you earn everything.

从现在起 吃穿用全靠你自己了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

