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音标: 英 [ˈfeɪməslɪ] 美 [ˈfeməslɪ]

adv. 极好地, 非常令人满意地

r. in a manner or to an extent that is well known


1. He's famous, but he's not super famous.

他有名 但不是家喻户晓

2. I'm famous, but I've been famous too many times back and then unfamous and then famous again.

我很有名 但我在成名与不成名之间 徘徊了太多次

3. I mean, not of the fact that she was basically famous for being famous.

我喜欢她 不是因为她就是个花瓶

4. Like it or not, you are the famous child of the most famous man on earth.

不管你是否愿意 你都是这世界上最声名显赫的人的女儿

5. I'll return the paintings, and if I get famous, I get famous.

我会归还画作 如果我因此成名 就让我爆红吧

6. No, I know I don't know anybody famous, but we do know someone almost famous.

不 虽说我不认识什么名人 但确实认识某个即将成名的人

7. Like, I wish, you know, I'm supposed to be famous, you know, but it's, like, I'm famous but nobody knows.

我希望 我应该是个名人了 但我出名了却没人知道

8. She should go wherever famous people go when they're done being famous, and nobody cares if they live or die.

她应该去那些名人 不红了之后去的地方 那里没人管他们是死是活

9. She's famous? I need to be all up in that.

她很有名吗 我需要关注一下

10. He's famous, and he was your boyfriend.

他很有名 还是你前男友



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

