中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kɒmənteɪt] 美 [ˈkɑmənˌtet]

vt. 注释, 解说
vi. 评论时事

v. make a commentary on
v. serve as a commentator, as in sportscasting


1. Comments on commentators, it's all changing so fast.

各种评论员的评论 一切都变得太快了

2. Ok first of all no comment means no comment.

首先 无可奉告就是不做评论

3. I... I made some comments, some foolish comments which I believe got back to you.

我发表了一些言论 一些非常愚昧的言论 我相信你也有所耳闻

4. liking photos of people you've never met and commenting on their lives while they comment on yours.

给素未谋面的人的照片点赞 互相评论彼此的生活

5. I am not gonna comment on an investigation, and I'm certainly not gonna comment on tabloid photos.

我不会对调查发表评论 我也绝对不会对小报照片发表评论

6. Comment gagner les faveurs des certains, et comment faire en sorte que d'autres les perdent.

怎样获得别人的青睐 同时让别人黯然失色

7. She's making it up. I can't comment on that.

她在编故事 我对此不做评价

8. That wasn't a question. It was a comment.

我所说的不是问题 只是观点

9. I only have this to say, then I won't be commenting any further.

我只说这一次 以后不会做出任何评论

10. I can't comment on that. I'm not withdrawing.

我不能承认那点 我不辞职



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

