中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪˈfemərəl] 美 [ɪˈfɛmərəl]

a. 朝生暮死的, 短命的, 短暂的
[医] 暂时的

s. lasting a very short time


1. Yeah, it wasn't... It was an ephemeral event.

平时不会这样 短暂的事变

2. ...but there are other rewards, ephemeral as they may be.

然是还有其他回报 尽管不多

3. Perhaps the most ephemeral form of sculpture.


4. Human life is ephemeral, which makes it precious.

人類的生命因其短暫 才彌足珍貴

5. The social science of economics is told by an ephemeral language.


6. I like talking in dead languages to remind humanity that we are as ephemeral as the words that leave our lips.

我喜欢用消亡的语言 以提醒人类我们跟自己所说的语言一样 生命非常短暂

7. It's so subtle, so minimal a work of art that it almost feels like it isn't there, and everything about it feels ephemeral and frail.

它如此精致 又如此简洁 让人几乎无迹可寻 拥有一种短暂而脆弱之美

8. We really need to teach future generations to bring about real material change, not pin their hopes on the ephemeral.

我们真的应该给未来的孩子们 教习一些真正的物质变化规律 而不该让他们只注目转瞬即逝的东西

9. We seek to capture the ephemeral, the miraculous, put it on to canvas, stopping time but, like an entomologist pinning a butterfly, it dies when we try.

我们试图捕捉那转瞬即逝的奇迹 把它描绘在画布上 将时间停驻 但就像是昆虫学家钉住蝴蝶一般 我们一旦尝试 它就死了

10. It can take last night's ephemeral rubbish, souvenirs of the hangover, and turn it into something enduring, something which actually sustains tradition.

它能将昨晚生命短暂的废物 宿醉的纪念品转化为某种永恒的 真正保持传统的东西



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

