中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈtʃaɪldlaɪk] 美 [ˈtʃaɪldˌlaɪk]

a. 孩子似的, 天真烂漫的

s. befitting a young child
s. exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity


1. He's an actor, so he is inherently selfinvolved and childlike.

他是个演员 所以他本质上就以自我为中心 孩子气

2. She has a childlike belief that a woman should trust her hu and.

她心存一种天真的信念 就是女人应该信任自己的丈夫

3. It makes me get back in touch with the childlike part of myself.

这里唤起了我 孩子气的一面

4. What she means is, you have the skin of a young person along with childlike enthusia .

她的意思是 你的皮肤像年轻人一样水嫩 还有孩童般的热情

5. Of course he's gonna find a childlike way of expressing his sexuality.

他当然会找一个天真的方式 来表达他的性需求

6. And you, my darling, there is not one primitive desire in their childlike minds that you do not fulfil.

而你 我亲爱的 他们幼稚的头脑里 那些原始的 你统统都能满足

7. That is what growing up means making choices, choosing between childlike needs and desires.

这就是成长 做出选择 在孩童的需求和 的 间做出选择

8. Kimmie, I'm impressed at how you can act so childlike in such a grownup environment such as a law office.

金米 我很佩服你在律所 这么成熟的环境下 表现如此幼稚

9. As you can see, these childlike savages barely understand basic logic and geography.

如你所见 这些孩子一样的野蛮人 对基本的逻辑和地理都知之甚少

10. Because being a hostess was never enough for my restless mind, and I realized it was my childlike curiosity about how my niggers ticked.

单纯做个女主人根本无法满足 我焦躁不安的内心 然后我发现答案是我对黑人身体 孩子般的好奇



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

