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音标: 英 [mɪnt] 美 [mɪnt]

n. 薄荷, 造币厂, 巨额
vt. 铸造, 铸币, 制造

n. any north temperate plant of the genus Mentha with aromatic leaves and small mauve flowers
n. any member of the mint family of plants
n. the leaves of a mint plant used fresh or candied
n. a candy that is flavored with a mint oil


1. It's minted lamb! I like mint sauce.

这已经是薄荷酱羊排了 我喜欢薄荷酱

2. Boy, if you gonna have a mint, I want a mint.

你要是吃的话 给我也来一颗

3. If you tell someone you're carrying thin mints, you best be carrying thin mints.

她们卖饼干时敢说有薄荷味[大麻]饼干 最好保证是真的有大麻饼干

4. He does love mint chip, and so do I, but I don't think it's time for him to eat mint chip with the two of us together.

他的确爱吃薄荷片 我也喜欢 但是我觉得还没到他和我们两个 一起吃薄荷片的时候

5. Boy meets girl, boy spits mint into girl's mouth in front of the entire school, girl loses interest in boy, boy loses interest in mints.

男孩遇见了女孩 男孩当着整个学校的人的面 把薄荷糖吐进了女孩的嘴里 女孩对男孩没兴趣了 男孩对薄荷糖没兴趣了

6. It doesn't have leaves, it's mint. It does.

这里没有树叶 这是薄荷 有的

7. They didn't have chamomile. I got you mint.

他们没有甘菊 我给你放了薄荷

8. Probably should have had some gum or a mint.


9. You're in mint condition and you know it.

你状态非常好 你知道的

10. That's mint. I didn't know you could draw.

那太完美了 我不知道你会画画



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

