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音标: 英 ['ʃerɪf] 美 [ˈʃɛrɪf]

n. 郡治安官, 县治安官
[法] 司法行政官, 郡长, 执行吏

n. the principal law-enforcement officer in a county


1. You shot the sheriff? I had to shoot the sheriff.

你向警察开枪了 我不得不开枪

2. The sheriff the old sheriff was out to get me the first time.

治安官 那个老治安官 之前就这样栽赃过我

3. Our new sheriff neighbor is looking into the murder of our old sheriff neighbor.

我们的新治安官邻居 在调查以前治安官邻居的死

4. Rather than be offended by the aforementioned bullshit, it could be that the sheriff has to face the fact that I found another victim who was shot at, without any witnesses, simply because the sheriff couldn't make his charges stick.

可能除了觉得被上述胡扯冒犯以外 还因为警长发现 我知道在没有任何证人的情况下 还有一名中枪的受害者 这一切仅仅是因为警长无法证实他的指控

5. This is why you are a terrible sheriff.


6. Who is it, babe? It's the sheriff.

亲爱的 是谁来了 是警长

7. No, but he's only been sheriff for a year.

没错 但是他才当了一年警长

8. After all, he did whacka the sheriff.

毕竟 他的确杀了那个警长

9. I remember meeting you once, before you were sheriff.

你还不是警长的时候 我见过你一次

10. How exciting to be the wife of the sheriff.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

