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音标: 英 [skʌl] 美 [skʌl]

n. 头盖骨, 头脑, 好学生
[医] 头颅

n. the bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates


1. A skull? I don't know anything about any skull.

头骨 我没听说过什么头骨

2. And if I compare these two skulls by showing you the skulls like that, you can see that this modern human skull is much bigger compared with this one.

如果我相互比较这两具颅骨 就像这样向你们展示它们 你们可以看见这具现代人的颅骨 要比这一具大得多

3. But that fish has got a skull and I've got a skull.

但这条鱼有头盖骨 我也同样有

4. Everything you see, hear, think, feel, desire in any one moment is all processed and retained in this one lump of stuff inside the skull your skull, my skull.

你看见 听见 思考 感受以及渴望的 所有事情 都是由颅骨里的这坨 进行处理并储存 你的颅骨 我的颅骨

5. Drill with an air drill through the skull to lift up a large flap of the skull on that lefthand side.

用气动钻把颅骨钻开 抬起颅骨左边的 一片大骨瓣

6. I'll be able to scan these fragmentary skull elements and virtually symbol them using input of a forensic anthropologist into a correct orientation to have virtual skull.

我能够扫描这些碎的头骨 输入法医人类学知识 进行标记和准确定位 得到可视的 头骨图像

7. She's got a very big brow ridge compared with us modern humans, and actually, she has a lump at the back of her skull as well, which you can't see under all this hair, but the skull shape is also different shape to ours, too.

和现代人相比 她有非常大的眉骨 而且 她的头骨的后面也有一个凸起 只是由于头发现在看不到 但她的头骨形状也和我们的不一样

8. He complained that the prefrontal lobotomy requires drilling through the skull at its thickest point, only to access the site of the frontal lobe, while its quivering underbelly can be more easily accessed through one of the skull's thinnest points… the eye socket.

他认为前额叶切断术 只是要接触大脑额叶的位置 却要求从头骨最厚的地方钻进去 但其实可以通过头骨最薄的地方之一 接触到其最脆弱的部分 眼窝

9. What did you see? It was this skull.

你看到什么了 是这个骷髅

10. This is the skull in the windshield.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

