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音标: 英 [ˈmaɪkrəʊsekənd] 美 [ˈmaɪkroʊsekənd]

n. 微秒
[计] 微秒

n. one millionth (10^-6) of a second; one thousandth of a millisecond


1. True, I process terabytes in microseconds, but you're not so slow yourself.

是的 我能在几微秒内处理上兆兆字节 但你的速度也不慢

2. in a 4.2volt cell phone in a microsecond.


3. Tell me everything, and don't skip even a microsecond.

告诉我一切 别漏掉一丝细节

4. It all happened in a microsecond, but it made him millions, completely riskfree.

全部过程只需一微秒的时间 但他借此赚了数百万 完全无风险

5. That lag is only microseconds, but when it's received in the second hemisphere, it creates a all momentary dissonance in perception.

相隔只有數微秒 但當另一個半腦接收到信息時 會產生短暫的感知失調

6. But, all right, now I'm trying to say what microsecond they're going to move on and that's going to be exactly what point the friction is overcome.

而现在我想说明的是 在某一微秒时手指将会动起来 而这恰恰就是 摩擦力被克服的那一时间点

7. But I think that once we can prove our line is the fastest, the amount of money that people will be willing to spend to get access to our line will skyrocket to the stratosphere in a microsecond.

但我认为 一旦我们能证明我们的线路最快 人们为了用我们的线路 愿意出的钱 就会在一微秒内飙升到平流层

8. But I think that once we can prove our line is the fastest, the amount of money that people will be willing to spend to get access to our ing line will skyrocket to the stratosphere in a microsecond.

但我确信一旦证明我们的线路是最快的 人们为了用上我们的线路 他们愿意花的钱的数额 会在1微秒内涨到天上去



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

