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音标: 英 ['lɪmɪtə] 美 ['lɪmətə]

n. 限制物, 限幅器
[计] 限幅器

n. (electronics) a nonlinear electronic circuit whose output is limited in amplitude; used to limit the instantaneous amplitude of a waveform (to clip off the peaks of a waveform)


1. Limited ti we do not have limited time.

时间有限 时间很无限好吗

2. The same parameters that limit me must also limit you.


3. to exercise your limited power to punish me for ignoring the speed limit.

用你那点小权力来惩罚我 就因为我超速了

4. it was meant to limit that limitation to prevent the natural shrinking of that brain power.

它用于限制这种局限 防止自然缩小 大脑能力

5. The area is heavily wooded with limited vehicle access and limited nighttime visibility.

这片地区被密集的树林覆盖 交通不便 夜间可视性也有限

6. You see, a juggler has a limited amount of hands in which to juggle a limited number of balls.

杂耍演员的手是有限的 只能耍一定数量的球

7. If you're gonna push a piece of machinery to the limit and expect it to hold together, you have to have some sense of where that limit is.

如果你想将一台机器推向极致 还指望着它不会散架 那你就得感觉到它的极限在哪里

8. Space is the biggest canvas to write whatever you want and to push all the limits because, by definition, future doesn't have a limit.

宇宙是世界上最大的画布 你可以书写任何事 打破所有限制 因为未来从定义上就是无限的

9. I'm not certain there's a limit to what she'll do.


10. But there's a limit to that, and you are on the very edge.

但挑战是有极限的 而你正在极限边缘



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

