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音标: 英 [lɑ:d] 美 [lɑrd]

n. 猪油
vt. 涂加猪油, 夹杂, 润色

n. soft white semisolid fat obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of the hog
v. prepare or cook with lard


1. A lot of old recipes have lard in them.


2. So I've added all the lard and water to this mixture with the flour.

猪油 水全加进去了 和这碗面粉混合物混在一起

3. Just for a cup of flour and a spoon of lard.

就为了一把面粉 一块猪油

4. The orphanages fry them in lard, feed it to the kids.

孤儿院把那些东西用猪油炸炸 喂给孩子

5. What I'm doing here, I'm basically just rubbing the lard and the butter into the flour.

我现在要做的 就是把猪油和黄油 揉进面粉里

6. 'but the key is this lard melted in hot water.

不过烫面酥皮的关键在于 融化在热水里的猪油

7. Just grease in your hair and the ell of lard in your nose.

只有发丝里的油脂 以及满鼻的猪油味

8. Okay, lard has a flashburn point of 301 degrees.


9. You can see all the layers and the lard, the fruit, the sugar.

你可以看到层次 这些猪油 还有干果 以及白糖

10. But inside, it's a lump of lard dressed up to fool the public.

但内部太繁琐了 花里胡哨的 糊弄普通人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

