中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [frɔ:d] 美 [frɔd]

n. 欺骗, 欺诈, 诡计, 骗子
[经] 欺诈, 舞弊, 骗子

n. intentional deception resulting in injury to another person
n. something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage


1. Credit card fraud, insurance fraud, identity theft.

信用卡诈骗 保险诈骗 身份证诈骗

2. Mike, committing another fraud to cover your fraud isn't going legit.

迈克 用一个谎话来圆另一个谎话 是不能让你合法化的

3. Using investor capital is fraud many, many counts of fraud.

挪用投资者资金是诈骗罪 非常严重的诈骗罪

4. We've notified the journal his study appeared in the email accusing fraud was, in fact, fraud itself.

我们已经通知了发表他成果的期刊 指责其欺诈的邮件本身就是假的

5. Yeah, I know! I am a fraud investigator and I need to talk to him because I've uncovered a massive fraud.

我知道 我是反欺诈调查员 我要找他 我发现了一起重大诈骗案

6. Corporate has very strict rules when it comes to fraud, especially when it comes to inside fraud.

公司对于欺诈问题 一向是非常严格的 尤其是内部欺诈

7. If you don't know that, then you're a fraud.

如果你连这个都不知道 那你就是骗子

8. If he is a fraud, you could have exposed him.

如果他是个骗子 你能揭发他

9. So you don't care that she's a fraud.

所以你不在乎 她是个骗子

10. I have to remind myself I'm not a fraud.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

