中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌpri:dɪˈspəʊz] 美 [ˌpri:dɪˈspoʊz]

vt. 预先处置, 使预先有倾向

v. make susceptible


1. It's genetically predisposed to be a liar.

从基因上看 孩子有说谎的倾向

2. With predisposed expectations of color and and texture.

会对食物有倾向性的预期 通过观察颜色和质感

3. All I know is that you're predisposed to being a serial killer and I've been burned before.

我只知道你有连环杀手的基因 我也受过此煎熬

4. If the twins are predisposed genetically to kill, they didn't get it from their father.

如果双胞胎天生就有杀人倾向 那他们并不是从父亲那里遗传下来的

5. It might enhance certain abilities in predisposed children.


6. No heart failure, no apoplexy, no predisposing medical cause of any kind.

没有心脏病 中风或任何疾病

7. I suspect the gods will predispose the common people to gentleness on her behalf.

我想诸神也会为她 让平民温和起来

8. And listen, I am predisposed to side with anyone against the mother, but I don't know that she's wrong about her daughter.

听着 我支持 任何反对她母亲的人 但我不知道关于她女儿 她说的是不是假的

9. Listen, white people are genetically predisposed to fear black people.

听着 基因上讲 白人天生就惧怕黑人

10. If she's a predisposed female offender, a major indicator is uncontrolled rage when challenged.

如果她可能是女性罪犯 最主要的表现就是面对质疑无法控制愤怒



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

