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音标: 英 [ˈɜ:θlɪ] 美 [ˈɜ:θlɪ]

a. 地球的, 俗世的, 可能的

a. of or belonging to or characteristic of this earth as distinguished from heaven


1. It's good earth, this. It's wet earth.

这里的土很不错 潮湿而已

2. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

土归土 灰飞烟灭 尘归尘

3. Which is every boss on earth in every job on earth.

世界上所有工作里的 所有老板都这样

4. Not only one earth, but an infinity of earths wandering lost in the night.

也不止有一个地球 有无数个地球在夜空中徘徊

5. Because of the earth's rotation, if it had hit a minute later, it would've landed in the sea and dinosaurs would still be ruling our earth.

地球在自转 如果小行星晚一分钟才撞击 就会落入海里 今天恐龙就仍然是地球霸主

6. When I am gone remember this of me that earth of earth or heaven of heaven concealed no greater happiness than was to me revealed by favour of a single day with thee.

我走后 请你记住 天地之大 也藏不住 与你相处一天 为我带来的幸福

7. For one priceless moment, in the whole history of man, all the people on this earth are truly one, one in their pride in what you have done, and one in our prayers that you will return safely to earth.

在这一无比珍贵的时刻里 在这整个人类历史长河之中 地球上的所有人都衷心 为你们感到骄傲 也衷心希望你们能够安全返回地球

8. This engine, which we will ultimately use to return the astronauts from earth's orbit to the earth's surface and also in later missions to put the astronauts into lunar orbit and bring them back home from lunar orbit, will then have its first flight test.

这个引擎最终的作用 是将宇航员从地球轨道送回地表 并且在之后的任务中 把宇航员送进月球轨道 再从从月球轨道返程 引擎将进行首次飞行测试

9. Before the exploration of space, of the moon and planets, man held that the heavens were the home and province of powerful gods, who controlled not just the vast firmament, but the earthly fate of man himself, and that the pantheon of powerful warring deities was the cause or reason for the human condition, for the past and the future, and for which great monuments would be created, an earth as in heaven.

在人类探索太空 登月之前 人类一直认为 太空是神明的故乡 它们不只控制万物 也控制了人类的命运 而人类各种悲惨命运的 来源就是神明的斗争 过去与未来 在地球上与天堂 都建立了 伟大的神迹

10. Why on earth... because I said so.

凭什么还 我说不行就不行



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

