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音标: 英 [ˌʌnˈtru:θ] 美 [ʌnˈtruθ]

n. 不真实, 虚假, 谎言

n a false statement


1. "but does not turn into an untruth, well, try it.

"但是不要因此说谎 试试看

2. But that's the only untruthful bit in the whole story.

但整个故事里只有这一部分 是假的

3. Living an untruth made you a monster.

活在谎言中 让你变成了怪物

4. You're establishing baseline parameters for truthful and untruthful responses.

你在针对真实或非真实的回答 建立基线参数

5. Well, in my experience, investment bankers are very good at concealing untruths.

根据我的经验 投资银行家 非常善于掩盖谎言

6. I don't honestly understand why I've been the victim and been made the victim of so many untruths.

我不明白为什么我是受害者 以及成了许多谎言的受害者

7. And the vice president has a right to know that he has been propagating that untruth in the public square.

而副总统有权知道 他已经在公共场合 宣扬了不实的信息

8. The job of the prosecutor is to expose that which is hidden away, the evil, the dirty, the crooked and the untruthful.

检察官的工作就是揭穿 那些藏起来的 污秽 揭穿被扭曲的 不真实的事

9. There were so many untruths about Inhumans out there that some people saw them as these magical, heroic creatures, like unicorns.

当时流传着好多关于异人族的谣言 有些人把他们当成了魔幻的英雄 就像是独角兽

10. If my client refuses to give you the information or if he gives you information he knows to be untruthful, the deal is void.

如果我的委托人拒绝提供信息 或者他明知信息不真实还提供给你们 交易无效



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