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音标: 英 [ju:ˈfɔ:rɪə] 美 [juˈfɔrɪə, -ˈfor-]

n. 兴奋, 陶醉, 陶醉感
[医] 精神愉快, 欣快

n. a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation


1. Forgive me if I don't share the general euphoria.

请原谅 我不像大家那么开心

2. Oh, there are side effects: there's fatigue, euphoria.

总会有一些副作用 有时疲惫 有时狂喜

3. Not euphoria or mood shifters like what's out there now.

像现在这样 不会出现不和或情绪转移

4. I hope the treatment didn't induce dissociative euphoria.


5. If ignorance is bliss, then down syndrome's got to be euphoria.

要无知真的是福 那唐氏综合征岂不是要乐翻了天

6. You realize that your gifts, that euphoria fade to nothing if you aren't baptized.

你要明白如果不受洗 你的天赋 那份欣快就化为乌有了

7. And he's gonna feel some euphoria along with a decrease in stress and anxiety.

他会进入陶醉状态 并且释放压力和焦虑

8. In very rare cases, euphoria, dream state, mild hallucinations.

非常少见 会有欣快症 睡梦状态 轻微幻觉

9. Each fulfilling their own personal vows carried on a wave of shared euphoria.

每个人都在践行自己的誓言 共同沉浸在无上的喜悦之中

10. It's a terrible mistake, but we were drunk and high on rat death euphoria.

这是个糟糕的错误 但我们喝醉了 加上因为灭了老鼠而兴奋过头



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