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音标: 英 ['felɪŋ] 美 ['felɪŋ]

n. 二重接缝, 咬口折缝;伐木

v cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow
v pass away rapidly
v sew a seam by folding the edges


1. And I fell and he tried to grab me, and we both fell.

我摔下去了 他想拉住我 结果我们都摔下去了

2. So I fell in love with all of that, and I fell in love with her.

于是我爱上了那种感觉 我爱上了她

3. I fell in love with this photo and then I fell in love with him.

我先是爱上了这幅画 然后爱上了他

4. Well, first, I fell, and then and then it fell, but we managed to get this.

首先 我摔下来了 然后 后来豆茎倒了 不过我们设法拿到了这个

5. then you were you, and I fell for you.

我遇到了你 然后爱上了你

6. I was screwing with the timer, and the thing fell off and this flash drive fell out.

我在捣鼓定时器 那东西掉下来了 一个闪存盘掉了出来

7. And then the movie fell apart, then the plan fell apart, so I don't want to talk about it anymore.

但电影搞砸了 计划也泡汤了 我不想再说这些了

8. The tree fell, hit the power line, and the power line fell right on the hobo, shocking the hobo back to life.

树倒下砸中了电线 电线正好掉到流浪汉身上 把流浪汉给电活过来了

9. And then he had told me that he fell free soloing and started, like, revealing all of his injuries, like he pulled up his sleeve on his arm, and in my dream a bone just, like, fell out of his arm and it was all messed up.

然后他告诉我他无保护攀爬的时候摔了下来 然后给我看他的伤口 他把袖子拉起来 然后骨头就这么从臂膀上掉了出来 简直一团糟

10. We lied to you, and you all fell for it.

我们骗了你们 你们都上当了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

