中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [gimp]

n. 绒丝带, 花边, (用金属丝做心的)丝制钓绳, 精神, 瘸子
vi. 跛行
vt. 用镶边带装饰

n disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet
v walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury


1. You put it on or the gimp puts it on for you.

你不自己戴 就让猴子帮你戴

2. We are hooking up tonight, all five of us, including the gimp.

我们今晚都要约到炮 我们五个 包括那个瘸子

3. I ate her brain and had a vision of you wearing a gimp mask.

我吃了她的脑子 看到了你戴皮面具的影像

4. You can't even fit on my bike with that giant gimp leg.

你拖着那条大瘸腿 根本坐不上车

5. Look, I don't normally care what people think about us, but I just had to convince my exboyfriend I'm not going out with a gimp.

我不在乎别人怎么看我们 我要说服我前男友 我没有跟一个瘸子交往

6. And when she got the wrong meds by accident in the med line and went nutso, and gimped her other eye with a spork.

她有一次领错药了 吃药之后开始发疯 用叉匙把另一只眼也捅坏了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

