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音标: 英 [dɪ'zɑ:stə(r)] 美 [dɪˈzæstɚ, -ˈsæs-]

n. 灾祸, 不幸, 彻底失败

n. an act that has disastrous consequences


1. I'm supposed to write this article on my crazy disaster dates, and there weren't disasters.

本来我应该写篇关于我的 疯狂的灾难约会的文章的 但是压根就没有灾难

2. I mean, I don't want to say things were a disaster in your absence, but they weren't not a disaster.

我也不想说 你消失后 一切都是一场灾难 但一切不可能不是灾难

3. I think we are moving from crisis to disaster, and now we are passing disaster, and moving towards catastrophe.

我认为现在正从危机演变为灾难 现在我们已经越过了混乱阶段 朝着浩劫发展

4. It sounds like it took this apparent disaster to jar those feelings loose and without a disaster, those feelings remain deeper down.

需要实实在在发生的灾难 来开启那些情感的出口 而没有了灾难 那些情感 就依然深埋心底

5. This is a professional disaster for you.


6. No, no, no, it was a total disaster.

不不不 完全是一场灾难

7. And for me, this appears to be a disaster.

对我而言 这事现在就是场灾难

8. Once, but it was kind of a disaster.

我试过一次 但简直是个灾难

9. But me, I was destined for disaster.

但是我 我命中注定充满不幸

10. My goodness, that would be a disaster.

我的天 那样将会是天大灾难啊



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

