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音标: 英 ['ɡɔ:ɡən] 美 ['ɡɔ:rɡən]

n. 戈耳戈(三个蛇发女怪之一), 可怕的事情, 丑妇

n. (Greek mythology) any of three winged sister monsters and the mortal Medusa who had live snakes for hair; a glance at Medusa turned the beholder to stone


1. gorgon, I love you, but you are not helping.

戈尔工 我爱你 但你这是在帮倒忙

2. gorgon used to tell us there was nothing more important than the mission.

戈尔工曾告诉我们 没有什么比任务更重要

3. Rowena said that the gorgons can see people's fate.

罗威娜说 戈尔工能看到人的命运

4. Legend has it, every few months, the gorgon goes on a spree and gorges itself.

据传 每隔几个月 戈尔工就得疯狂大餐一顿

5. The levelthree gorgon caves will have moving tentacle vinesI said it.

第 蛇发石窟里 就要有会动的触须藤蔓 我决定了

6. Everything written for women seem to falling into three catagories, ingenues, mothers, or gorgons.

所有写女人的书 都可以分为三类 天真无邪的少女 母亲和丑女

7. Aye, but I should mix up an antidote to the gorgon's poison in case one of you boys gets sloppy.

嗯 但我该调制一份戈尔工毒素的解药 以防你们失手

8. I believe we are hunting a gorgon, an ancient, cursed being with an affinity for snakes and a hunger for human flesh.

我相信 我们在猎杀一个戈尔工 一种古老受诅咒的生物 喜欢蛇 还渴求人肉

9. You go and make peace with the gorgon, and then in three or four years, we'll all get together and have a nice laugh about it.

你去跟蛇发女妖和好 等再过三四年 我们会聚在一起 一笑泯恩仇



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

