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音标: 英 [trænz'mɪtɪd] 美 [trænz'mɪtɪd]

v. 传输;传送(transmit的过去分词)

v transfer to another
v transmit or serve as the medium for transmission
v broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television
v send from one person or place to another
s occurring among members of a family usually by heredity


1. Anything that can be tran itted via the blood can be tran itted through sex.

任何可以通过血液传播的疾病 都可以通过 传播

2. Tran itting for decades buried in our tran issions, repeating, looping, echoing the same pieces, waiting to tran it in the right order to make a chain of code.

在我们的通讯网络中传播了几十年 重复 循环 回响着相同的片段 等着排列成正确的信号序列 形成一串代码

3. If he's tran itting any thoughts to you.


4. If we do it quickly he won't have a chance to tran it.

要是动作够快 他就不会有机会报信

5. And then, once she's in the yard, we should be able to tran it.

她一到达后院 我们应该就能发送信息了

6. All right, this should do it, but the dish isn't tran itting.

本来应该能行 但这接收器不发射信号

7. He then tran itted the data here, and voilà.

然后把数据传输到那里 大功告成

8. I'll be tran itting proof to both fleets.


9. Tran it the data to me, or you'll be destroyed.

把數據傳輸給我 不然我就消滅你們

10. But I'll have to tran it it at 140 decibels.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

