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音标: 英 ['bʌkɪt] 美 [ˈbʌkɪt]

n. 桶
[计] 存储桶; 桶

n. a roughly cylindrical vessel that is open at the top
n. the quantity contained in a bucket
v. put into a bucket
v. carry in a bucket


1. It was buckets, literally buckets of blood.

而是一桶桶 真的 一桶桶的血

2. If you want to poop in a bucket, we can get you a bucket.

如果你想在桶里便便 我给你个桶就好了

3. I don't want to call it a bucket list bucket list.


4. She would get a big mop bucket, and she would fill it with hot, soapy water, yes, and ammonia, and she would have the ammonia be such a strength that you couldn't be near the bucket.

她会拿个大型拖把桶子 倒进热肥皂水 和氨水 她倒进去的氨水未免太多了 让你无法靠近桶子

5. I'm looking to put a pitfall trap line in here and I'm just going to cut a swathe through and then we're going to dig holes and we're going to sink buckets down into the holes and we're going to run a plastic fence through the centre of them and what that does is, animals that are moving from one side of the forest, or just moving through this forest, they're going to encounter that fence, they're going to run along it, trying to get around it, and many of them are going to fall into these pitfall buckets.

我想在这里放一个诱捕陷阱 我们先要将这一片树木砍平 接下来挖坑 然后把桶放进坑里 接着在它们上方拉起一个塑料围篱 这样做的用意是 动物从森林的一头走过来 或者从森林中穿过时 就会遇到这个围篱 它们会绕着跑 试着绕过去 大多数会掉进诱捕陷阱的桶里

6. But that's why they're on my bucket list.


7. No, I've bought the bucket so you could have some.

不 我买了一桶是为了跟你分享

8. A drop in the bucket, for an annulment.


9. To the size of a billposter's bucket.


10. You don't deserve a room or a bucket.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

