中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kəʊdɒn] 美 ['koʊdɒn]

n. 密码子
[化] 密码子

n. a specific sequence of three adjacent nucleotides on a strand of DNA or RNA that specifies the genetic code information for synthesizing a particular amino acid


1. And it turns out that there's more to genes than just strings of codons.

他们发现基因并非 只是一串单纯的密码子

2. They worked out the code and they worked out that it was arranged in threes a triplet code, with each group of three bases called a codon.

他们破译了密码 他们发现它是一种三联体密码 每三个碱基的组合形成一个密码子

3. Here's a codon of three bases and that will give us an amino acid, which we give another single letter code to.

这是三个碱基组成的一个密码子 它代表一种氨基酸 我们给它一个单字母代码

4. And you can see that we've got some punctuation in our sentences, because it turns out that there are special codons that make something like a full stop at the end of the protein.

如图所示 句子中会有标点符号 因为在蛋白质链的尾端 有一些特殊的密码子起着句号的作用



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

