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音标: 英 ['ɪnfənsɪ] 美 [ˈɪnfənsɪ]

n. 幼年, 初期, 幼儿期
[医] 婴儿期(一足岁以内)

n. the early stage of growth or development
n. the earliest state of immaturity


1. It was in its infancy, infancy back then.

在恋爱初期 热恋期的时候

2. However, traces of that infancy, of that crosstalk between all the surviving universes and the landscape structure, those are imprinted forever in our sky because, after all, what we look at today in the sky is just a blownup version, a rescaled version, of what once was in our universe when it was in its infancy.

然而 宇宙初创期的痕迹 所有幸存的宇宙之间串扰的痕迹 以及那个地形结构的痕迹 都永远刻印在我们的天空之中 因为无论如何 今天我们在天空中看到的 都是曾经存在于我们的宇宙之中的 是在宇宙的初创期 经过暴胀和重新尺度化后的版本

3. She raised him from infancy when I couldn't.

她从小把他养大 而我没有

4. He was working with nanotechnology when it was in its infancy.

他在幼年时期 就致力于研究纳米技术

5. We have known each other since infancy.


6. what you're describing is a prison gang in its infancy.

按你刚才说的 那就是监狱黑帮的初期

7. You have prior experience with preverbal infancy.


8. Now, neuroblast research is still in its infancy.

目前 神经干细胞的研究才刚刚起步

9. By the end of infancy, you start to consider others.

在婴儿期快结束的时候 会开始关心他人

10. I mean, you have to understand, of course, you are in the infancy of your partnership.

当然你必须要明白 你们俩的搭档关系还很稚嫩



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

