中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['sti:lɪŋ] 美 ['sti:lɪŋ]

n. 偷窃, 贼赃
a. 有偷窃行为的

n the act of taking something from someone unlawfully
n avoiding detection by moving carefully
v take without the owner's consent
v move stealthily
v steal a base


1. Not stealing from me, stealing from them.

不是我的钱 是他们的钱

2. And if you steal... I don't steal, sir.

如果你偷 我不偷东西 先生

3. It's not stealing if you steal from a thief.


4. She wasn't stealing money, she was stealing embryos.

她不是偷钱 偷的是胚胎

5. Is it stealing? I don't think it's really stealing.

是偷窃吗 我不觉得是偷窃

6. He was a steal. I'm not a steal. I cost $20.

他很便宜 我不便宜 要20美元呢

7. People don't steal from me. I steal from people.

没有我吃亏的份 只有别人吃亏

8. But he was so paranoid that we caught him stealing whatever he was stealing.

但他很害怕 觉得我们发现他偷东西了 不管他偷的是什么

9. You were stealing her to go away and now you're stealing her again.

之前你偷走她让她离开这里 现在你又在偷走她

10. Yeah, well, "package" was code, and stealing is stealing.

"包裹"只是个代号 都一样是偷窃啊



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