中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ʃɪvə(r)] 美 [ˈʃɪvɚ]

vi. 颤抖, 哆嗦, 被打碎
vt. 使迎风飘动, 粉碎
n. 战栗, 碎块

v. shake, as from cold


1. Maybe you just get the shivers from me gettin' the shivers.

没准我刚才激射的时候 你也跟着爽了下吧

2. She has the shivers, but she's been outside in the cold.

她现在是在打颤 但那是因为她一直待在外面的冷风里

3. I wrapped her up, but she's still shivering.

我把她裹起来了 但她还是在发抖

4. She's shivering. 200 milligrams of vecuronium.

她在颤抖 两百毫克维库溴铵

5. And a shiver went up my spine, because I didn't believe him.

我后背一阵颤抖 因为我不相信他的话

6. It was so cold and my little body shivering.

天气好冷 我的身体在颤抖

7. Uh, he was shivering, so I gave him my coat.

他在发抖 我把我的大衣给他了

8. Better than shivering in the gutter, I'm sure you'll agree.

比在阴沟里发抖强 这点没错吧

9. And when they wake you in the morning, they say you are pale and shivering.

当他们早上把你叫醒时 他们说你脸上苍白 瑟瑟发抖

10. Tell your timbers to stop shivering, pirate.

让你的水手别乱嚷嚷了 海盗



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

