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音标: 英 [hʌɡ] 美 [hʌɡ]

n. 紧抱, 拥抱
vt. 紧抱, 坚持, 使沾沾自喜

n. a tight or amorous embrace
v. fit closely or tightly


1. Wwhen we hugged, it lasted more than a normal hug.

我们拥抱的时候 比普通的拥抱要长一些

2. I'd hug you, but we're not, so I won't.

我会拥抱你 可惜我们不是 我就不抱了

3. I had a dream once that was my mother having been shot, hugging me and me hugging her, and I woke up crying.

我曾经做一个梦 梦见母亲被枪击 我们互相拥抱 我哭着醒过来

4. And... if you ever want to hug somebody, you can always hug me.

如果你想抱誰 永遠可以來抱我

5. But we can't hug you through the door.


6. And I dropped her off, and we hugged.

我把她送到目的地 拥抱了她

7. I'm not gonna hug you if that's what you're after.

如果你这是在追求我 那我以后可就不和你拥抱了

8. Not in words. It was more in my hug.

没说出来 但都在拥抱里了

9. He wasn't here when I was, but I wouldn't be looking for any hugs.

当年他还不在这里 但我没指望他会拥抱我们

10. If you're thinking of hugging me again, don't do that.

如果你还想再抱我一次 别那么做



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

