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音标: 英 [ˈpɪnhed] 美 [ˈpɪnˌhɛd]

n. 针头, 小东西, 微不足道的东西

n. the head of a pin


1. The spiderlings are each no bigger than a pinhead.


2. You know it and I know it, and I would wager that there drunk pinhead you brung with you knows it, too.

你知我知 我敢打赌 你带来的那个钉子头酒鬼也知道

3. They're called pinheads and you can see they're all perfect little mini mushrooms.

这些叫针头蘑菇 你能看到它们都是特别小的蘑菇

4. Yep, these are no bigger than a pinhead and these are all the colour receptors, the cones that actually give us what we call the high visual acuity.

是的 它们不比针尖大 它们都是颜色受体 视锥细胞给了我们所谓的清晰视力

5. Ortega's probably got a carload of contract killers sitting outside your plot right now, waiting to do some target practice with your pinhead.

奥特加大概找了一群职业杀手 正埋伏在你家门外 就等你回去当活靶子呢

6. I bet you're hoping for a lastminute reprieve and that I'll say something about how your plucky band of pinhead minstrels overcame so much to get where they did and how second place is actually an achievement.

你肯定希望能在最后关头被判缓刑 盼着我会说你们那帮胆大包天的小歌手 克服了重重困难才取得今天的成绩 第二名也算是一种成就



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

